Nombres Rust
A fungus (Cronartium comandrae Pk.) growing in the inner bark causes comandra blister rust. The fungus infects hard pines (including our ponderosa and lodgepole), but it requires an alternate host, or unrelated plant, to spread from one pine to another. The fungus is a parasite that needs live hosts to survive. Spores are released from midsummer to early fall, and they are carried by the wind, infecting pine needles and shoots of hard pines. Then the fungus spreads to the inner bark. Between one and three years later, drops of thick, sticky, reddish-orange liquid appears on the diseased bark. Eventually a canker forms on the trunk and kills the tree.
Nombres Rust
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White pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) is a non-native disease that is thought to have originated in Asia and come to the U.S. from Europe in the early 20th century. There are five susceptible species of pines in the U.S., but limber pine (Pinus flexilis) is the only pine species in Rocky Mountain National Park at risk. Limber pines have not evolved with this disease and could die once affected.
This blister rust has a complex life history. Until quite recently, scientists believed it spent part of its life in its alternate host plant Ribes (currants and gooseberries), but could not overwinter there. Spores from Ribes plants must infect pine needles in order to overwinter. Spores from pines cannot infect other pines. They must infect the alternate host. Thus Ribes and at least one species of five-needled pine must both be present for blister rust to survive.
Recently, researchers at the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station lab in Moscow, ID have found that sickletop lousewort (Pedicularis racemosa) and scarlet paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) can also be alternate hosts for blister rust. Because both species are widely distributed across the west, including Rocky Mountain National Park, these species (along with others unidentified) could have provided refuge for the disease. These new findings will make controlling this potentially destructive disease even more challenging in the future.
A continuación, instale Rust desde el sitio web de Rust. El sitio web detecta que está ejecutando Windows y ofrece los instaladores para 64 y 32 bits de la herramienta rustup para Windows, así como instrucciones sobre cómo instalar Rust en el Subsistema de Windows para Linux (WSL).
El argumento que se pasa al comando cargo new es el nombre del proyecto que desea que cree cargo. Aquí, el nombre del proyecto es first_rust_project. Se recomienda asignar un nombre a los proyectos de Rust con snake case (donde las palabras se escriben en minúsculas, y cada espacio se sustituye por un carácter de subrayado).
No fungicides are currently being produced for use by home gardeners on trees from which the fruit will be consumed. The fungicides tebuconazole (Provanto Fungus Fighter Concentrate), tebuconazole with trifloxystrobin (Provanto Fungus Fighter Plus, Toprose Fungus Control & Protect), and triticonazole (Fungus Clear Ultra) are approved for the control of rust diseases on ornamental plants, and could be used on ornamental pear species from which any fruit will not be consumed.
The fungus causing pear rust is, like all rusts, a biotroph: it feeds from the living cells of the host plant over an extended period without killing it. It is not able to survive on dead plant material, so must either alternate with a different, perennial host, or produce resting spores to pass the dormant season. Pear rust alternates between pears and junipers.
Having a perennial host, like juniper, enables the fungus to survive those periods when the alternate host is absent (if it is an annual) or dormant and leafless (as with pears), although this particular rust can also form perennial cankers on the bark of pear (these are uncommon in the UK).
Decorated with horizontal bands of color in varying widths. These can include bands of lathe turned grooves or patterns. Colors are predominantly muted earth tones including, black, olive green, tan, rust, brown, ochre yellow, grey, and pale blue.
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