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Svyatoslav Stepanov
Svyatoslav Stepanov

Idx Renditioner Express 2.0 Serial Number

The sequence normalization process either returns a document node, or raises a serialization error. The content of the document node is not necessarily well-formed (the document node may have any number of element or text nodes among its children).

Idx Renditioner Express 2.0 Serial Number

[Definition: A SequenceType constrains the type and number of items in a sequence. The term is used both to denote the concept, and to refer to the syntactic form in which sequence types are expressed in the XPath grammar: specifically SequenceTypeXP30 in [XPath 3.0], or SequenceTypeXP31 in [XPath 3.1], depending on whether or not the XPath 3.1 Feature is implemented.]

The following construct contains a type error, because 42 is not allowed as the value of the select expression of the xsl:number instruction (it must be a node). An implementation may optionally signal this as a static error, even though the offending instruction will never be evaluated, and the type error would therefore never be signaled as a dynamic error.

A number of these constructs are of particular significance because they are used by functions defined in XSLT, which are added to the library of functions available for use in XPath expressions within the stylesheet. These are:

[Definition: The context size is the number of items in the sequence of items currently being processed. It changes whenever instructions such as xsl:apply-templates and xsl:for-each are used to process a sequence of items; during the processing of each one of those items, the context size is set to the count of the number of items in the sequence (or equivalently, the position of the last item in the sequence).] The context size is returned by the XPath expression last().




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グループページ: Groups_SingleGroup
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