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Hossain Didar
Hossain Didar

Winsoft WinInet Component Suite For FireMonkey V1.4 For D10.3 Rio Cracked

Winsoft WinInet Component Suite for FireMonkey v1.4 for D10.3 Rio Ed

Winsoft WinInet Component Suite for FireMonkey is a set of Delphi and C++ Builder components that enable applications to interact with FTP, and HTTP/HTTPS protocols to access Internet resources. It is well suited for accessing REST services and uses standard Windows WinInet API. The latest version of the suite is v1.4, which supports Delphi/C++ Builder 10.3 Rio Edition.

Features of Winsoft WinInet Component Suite for FireMonkey

The suite consists of three main components: FINetFtp, FINetHttp, and FINetCookie. Each component has its own properties, methods, and events to handle various aspects of Internet communication. Some of the features of the suite are:

Winsoft WinInet Component Suite for FireMonkey v1.4 For D10.3 Rio Cracked

  • FTP, HTTP and HTTPS protocols supported

  • Ability to obtain redirected URL, complete response headers, and status codes

  • Ability to set flags for secure connection, passive mode, keep-alive, etc

  • Ability to upload and download files, strings, and streams

  • Ability to manage cookies and sessions

  • Ability to use callbacks and events for progress monitoring and error handling

  • Source code included in registered version

  • Royalty free distribution

How to use Winsoft WinInet Component Suite for FireMonkey

To use the suite in your Delphi/C++ Builder FireMonkey applications, you need to install it first by following these steps:

  • Download the trial version or purchase the registered version from the official website

  • Extract the zip file to a folder of your choice

  • Open the package file (.dproj or .cbproj) corresponding to your Delphi/C++ Builder version

  • Compile and install the package

  • Add the unit names (FINetFtp, FINetHttp, FINetCookie) to the uses clause of your project

After installing the suite, you can drag and drop the components from the tool palette to your form or create them dynamically in code. You can then set the properties and call the methods of the components to perform various Internet operations. You can also use the events and callbacks of the components to handle the results and errors of the operations. For example, you can use the FINetHttp.OnCallback event to obtain the redirected URL as shown below:

```delphi procedure TForm.FINetHttpCallback(Sender: TObject; Status: Integer; Information: Pointer; InformationLength: Integer); begin if Status = INTERNET_STATUS_REDIRECT then ShowMessage('Redirect to ' + PAnsiChar(Information)); end; ``` You can find more examples and demos on how to use the suite in the download folder or on the official website.


Winsoft WinInet Component Suite for FireMonkey is a powerful and easy-to-use solution for accessing Internet resources using FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS protocols in your Delphi/C++ Builder FireMonkey applications. It supports Delphi/C++ Builder 10.3 Rio Edition and offers source code and royalty free distribution in the registered version. You can download the trial version or purchase the registered version from the official website.




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